Prayer against the passions
Christe, precámur ádnuas
Christ, we pray that Thou wouldst smile upon
orántibus servis tuis,
the prayers of Thy servants,
iníquitas hæc saéculi
lest this iniquity of the world
ne nostrum captívet fidem.
take our faith captive.
Non cogitémus ímpie,
Let us not think wicked thoughts,
invideámus némini,
let us envy no one,
læsi non reddámus vicem,
let us not repay injuries,
vincámus in bono malum.
let us conquer evil with good.
Absit nostris e córdibus
Let (these) be far from our hearts:
ira, dolus, supérbia;
anger, deciet, arrogance;
absístat avarítia,
let greedy avarice depart
malórum radix ómnium.
(greed being)the root of all evils.
Consérvet pacis foédera
Let the bond of peace stay intact
non simuláta cáritas;
with unfeigned charity;
sit illibáta cástitas
let chastity remain intact
credulitáte pérpeti.
with lasting trustfulness.
Sit, Christe, rex piísime,
tibi Patríque glória
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna saécula. Amen.
The author of this 7th-8th century hymn is unknown. This hymn contains verse 4,5,6, & 8 of the hymn Diei luce reddita, most of the rest of which is sung at Lauds on Even Saturdays. Verses 1, 2, 3 & 10. Of the original hymn, verse 7 , "against wine and drunkenness" and verse 9 "against the misuse of goods" were omitted for the modern office. I guess these kinds of passions are either less dangerous to moderns(ha ha), or maybe they still are but the hymn was getting too long.
If anyone wants to work on the Latin subjunctive, let them sing (ha ha) this hymn.
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2 hours ago
1 comment:
Welcome back! It's good to read your posts again.
Some crib notes for novices:
"Orantibus servis tuis" literally says, "on thy praying servants", but of course this actually means "on the [act of] praying of thy servants", which you have accurately translated as "on the prayers of thy servants".
"Non cogitemus impie" literally says "let us not think wickedly", but it means what you wrote.
"Laesi non reddamus vicem" literally says, "May we who have been injured not repay in turn", but means what you wrote.
Very nice translation!
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