Always awaiting Thee with lamps burning
Ad preces nostras deitátis aures,
To our prayers, the divine ears,
Deus, inclína pietáte sola;
O God, incline who alone art holy;
súpplicum vota súscipe, precámur
receive our prayer, offered on bended knee, we beg
fámuli tui.
from thy servants.
Réspice clemens sólio de sancto
Merciful One, gaze from Thy holy throne
vultu seréno, lámpadas illústra
with tranquil face, light up our lamps
ólei nostri, ténebras depélle
filled with our oil, drive away all the darkness
péctore cunctas.
from our hearts.
Crímina laxa pietáte multa,
Forgive our crimes by Thy great love,
áblue sordes, víncula disrúmpe,
wash away the filth, burst our chains,
parce peccátis, réleva iacéntes
spare us our sins, reveal those who lie in ruins
déxtera tua.
bring them to Thy right hand/side.
Glória sit ætérno Patri,
Glory be to the eternal Father,
sit tibi semper, Genitóris Nate,
and always to Thee, O Son of the Father,
cum quo per cuncta Spíritus æquális
who reigns with the equally divine Spirit
sæcula regnat. Amen.
through all ages.
The author of this c. 10th century hymn is unknown. This hymn was very widespread in the middle ages, especially used for Lent, preserved also from the Breviary of Pius V. These are verses 1, 2, 3 and 9 of a longer hymn. Verses 5, 6 and 8 appear in tomorrow's diurno hymn.
LENTCAzT 2025 – 07: Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent – cheeky
Fr Troadec helps us. Fulton Sheen explains something about “turning the
other cheek”. A final prayer. Last year at this time we were getting the
59 minutes ago
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