Chosen sheep, not rejected
Scientiárum Dómino,
To the Lord of knowledge,
sit tibi iubilátio,
to Thee be glad rejoicing,
qui nostra vides íntima
who sees our inmost secrets
tuáque foves grátia.
and still favors us with Thy grace.
Qui bonum, pastor óptime,
Thou art good, Shepherd most kind,
dum servas, quæris pérditum,
while Thou watchest over us, Thou seekest the lost,
in páscuis ubérrimis
in rich pastures
nos iunge piis grégibus,
unite us with Thy faithful flocks,
Ne terror iræ iúdicis
Let not the terror of an angry judge
nos hædis iungat réprobis,
consign us to the rejected goats,
sed simus temet iúdice
but rather let us, with Thee Thyself as our judge,
oves ætérnæ páscuæ.
be sheep in Thy eternal pasture.
Tibi, Redémptor, glória,
To Thee, Redeemer, be glory,
honor, virtus, victória,
honor, strength, victory,
regnánti super ómnia
to Thee reigning over all things
per sæculórum saécula. Amen.
throught all time.
The author of this 8th or 9th century hymn is unknown.
Lentini changed the original text in two places, one is insignificant (ætérnæ for tuæ in verse 3, to supply a syllable) and one is kind of funny. In the third verse, the orignal 2nd line was
nos hædis iungat faetidis,
consign us to the stinky goats
I am not around goats a whole lot, but I can imagine that being consigned to being a stinky goat is a fate worse than death.
With this hymn, I have looked at each of the hymns assigned to Lauds, Vespers and the Office of Readings (both noctu and diurno) during Ordinary Time, 14 of each, 56 in all. I have reached my goal of doing this in the summer. I would like to be able to now supply each one with a sound file. We will see if my busy school-teaching schedule which begins soon will allow me to add that.
I owe a special debt of thanks to Figulus, who by brief but informative comments has greatly helped me raise the level of these translations.
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3 hours ago
1 comment:
Geometricus, you are most welcome. I can't tell you how much I enjoy my lunch breaks when I can read a new post of yours.
Qui bonum pastor optime / dum servas quaeris perditum. "Bonum" is an accusative, while "pastor" is vocative, so "good" in this case does not modify "shepherd" (who is, at any rate, "optime" the best). O best shepherd, while thou preservest the good, thou seekest the lost...
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