The shield with the sign of the cross
Adésto, Christe, córdibus,
Be present, O Christ, to our souls,
celsa redémptis cáritas;
by noble charity redeemed;
infúnde nostris férvidos
pour Thou into us fervent
fletus, rogámus, vócibus.
weeping, we beg, in our song.
Ad te preces, piísime
To Thee prayers, most holy
Iesu, fide profúndimus;
Jesus, with faith we pour out;
dimítte, Christe, quaésumus,
forgive, O Christ, we ask Thee
factis malum quod fécimus.
the evil deeds which we have done.
Sanctæ crucis signáculo,
By the seal of Thy holy cross,
tuo sacráto córpore,
consecrated by Thy body,
defénde nos ut fílios
defend us as sons
omnes, rogámus, úndique.
all of us, we beg, in every place.
Sit, Christe, rex piísime,
tibi Patríque glória
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna saécula. Amen.
Attributed, perhaps in error, to St. Bede the Venerable (d. 735).
Daily Rome Shot 1252 – Peace be with you (7)
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3 hours ago
1 comment:
Hi Geometricus:
Adesto Christe cordibus
celsa redemptis caritas
"Celsa caritas" is nominative and it is the subject of the sentence. Adesto is a future imperative, and it can be either 2nd or 3rd person. If it is 2nd person, then it is saying that Christ is "celsa caritas". If 3rd person, it is saying "May noble charity be present in our redeemed hearts, O Christ."
Infunde nostris fervidos
fletus, rogamus, vocibus
The meaning of this can be better seen with a bit of re-ordering: "Infunde fervidos fletus nostris vocibus, rogamus", "Pour in fervent weepings for our voices, we beg."
"Factis malum quod fecimus" means the evil we have done by our deeds.
"Tuo sacrato corpore" means by thy consecrated body.
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