Diéi luce réddita,
Day's light having been restored
lætis gratísque vócibus
and by glad thanks of our voices
Dei canámus glóriam,
let us sing the glory of God
Christi faténtes grátiam.
confessing the grace of Christ.
2. Per quem creátor ómnium
During which the creator of all things
diem noctémque cóndidit,
day and night has made
ætérna lege sánciens
having sanctioned by eternal law
ut semper succédant sibi.
that they would always follow each other.
3. Tu vera lux fidélium,
You are the true light of faith
quem lex vetérna non tenet,
which the long-established law does not hold
noctis nec ortu súccidens,
nor undercutting the night by rising
ætérno fulgens lúmine.
the light forever shining.
4. Præsta, Pater ingénite,
Grant, Father engendered(?)
totum ducámus iúgiter
that we may lead continually all
Christo placéntes hunc diem
pleasing to Christ this day
Sancto repléti Spíritu. Amen.
filled with the Holy Spirit.
Big party today. Didn't have time to make much sense of this. I may come back to it....
FATHERS! TODAY ends 40% off clerical Guayabera shirts (and there are
regular Guayabera shirts too, and Chacabanas and Panama hats, fedoras, etc.
for anyone)
Hey Fathers! How about a clerical Guayabera shirt? I have one. Great for
hot weather.
22 hours ago
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