This morning's hymn contains the noun spicula, which as far as I can figure out is an arrow, javelin, or the sharp point of some weapon. Update: In looking at the next day's hymn, I have discovered that spicula refers to a ray of the the sun. I believe that pergrata(very agreeable or pleasant) could be describing spicula or perhaps aurora, so that the opening line could rendered as "The early morning (aurora) heavens report the pleasant ray of the sun" or perhaps "The heavens' pleasant dawn announces the sun's ray." (I am acutely aware that the first verse makes no sense whatsoever(it's better now). I'm trying really hard to make sense of it, but...all I can do at this point is give the raw vocab. Hopefully I am catching the right flavor of the text, but I could be way off.)
Pergráta mundo núntiat
The pleasant heavens report
auróra solis spícula,
the dawn sun's ray
res et colóre véstiens
clothing everything with color
iam cuncta dat nitéscere.
so the thing gives as it begins to shine
(res refers to either spicula or solis?)
2. Qui sol per ævum praénites,
who the sun through time shining before
o Christe, nobis vívidus,
O Christ, to us lively
ad te canéntes vértimur,
to you singing we are turned
te gestiéntes pérfrui.
you exulting to enjoy.
3. Tu Patris es sciéntia
You are knowledge of the Father
Verbúmque per quod ómnia
and the Word through whom all things
miro refúlgent órdine
shines with wonderful order
mentésque nostras áttrahunt.
and attract our minds.
4. Da lucis ut nos fílii
Give us the Son's light that
sic ambulémus ímpigri,
we may walk with eagerness
ut Patris usque grátiam
that the Father's grace (continually?)
mores et actus éxprimant.
habits and action they may express
5. Sincéra præsta ut prófluant
Pure, grant that they may emanate
ex ore nostro iúgiter,
from our mouth continually,
et veritátis dúlcibus
and delightful truths
ut excitémur gáudiis.
that we may awaken with joy.
6. Sit, Christe, rex piísime,
Christ, most loving King
tibi Patríque glória
to you and to the Father be glory
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
with the Spirit Paraclete
in sempitérna saécula. Amen.
unto endless ages.
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22 hours ago
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