I know that today is the feast of the Birth of John the Baptist (and you can get some really good info about the Vespers hymns from chantblog. It is the Ut-re-mi hymn. Cool stuff!), but I am on a roll analyzing Lauds hymns for Ordinary Time. If God wills, I will get around to saint's days hymns someday.
Ætérne lucis cónditor,
Eternal creator of light
lux ipse totus et dies,
Light itself wholly and the day
noctem nec ullam séntiens
nor feeling any night
natúra lucis pérpeti,
the nature of light eternal
2. Iam cedit pallens próximo
So the night cedes to the nearing pale dawn
diéi nox advéntui,
of the coming day
obtúndens lumen siderum
striking the light of the stars
adest et clarus lúcifer.
as the gleaming morning star draws near.
3. Iam stratis læti súrgimus
So from our beds rejoicing we arise
grates canéntes et tuas,
and singing your glad thanks
quod cæcam noctem vicerit
for the sun has conquered the dark night
revéctans rursus sol diem.
and carried back the day once again.
4. Te nunc, ne carnis gáudia
You now, no joys in the flesh
blandis subrépant áestibus,
which flattering would sneak up on the passions
dolis ne cedat sáeculi
by the tricks of the age, do not allow
mens nostra, sancta quáesumus.
our minds [to fall?], we ask holy
5. Ira ne rixas próvocet,
Let not violent anger provoke
gulam ne venter íncitet,
nor the belly incite appetite
opum pervértat ne famis,
let not powerful opinion pervert
turpis ne luxus óccupet,
nor base luxury capture
6. Sed firma mente sóbrii,
Rather strengthen the heart with sobriety
casto manéntes córpore
chaste remaining in body
totum fidéli spíritú
completely faithful in spirit
Christo ducámus hunc diem.
let us regard this day with Christ
7. Præsta, Pater piísime,
Patríque compare Unice,
cum Spíritu Paráclito
regnans per omne sáeculum. Amen.
If I have time later, I will try to find out who wrote this very vivid and lengthly morning hymn. I like this one.
FATHERS! TODAY ends 40% off clerical Guayabera shirts (and there are
regular Guayabera shirts too, and Chacabanas and Panama hats, fedoras, etc.
for anyone)
Hey Fathers! How about a clerical Guayabera shirt? I have one. Great for
hot weather.
22 hours ago
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