Deus creátor ómnium
God, creator of all things
políque rector, véstiens
and heaven's guide, clothing
diem decóro lúmine,
the day with glorious light
noctem sopóris grátia.
the night with the grace of sleep.
God that all things didst create
and the heavens doth regulate,
Who doth clothe the day with light,
and with gracious sleep the night.
2. Artus solútos ut quies
Limbs unburdended that rest
reddat labóris usui
might restore us from the experience of labors
mentésque fessas állevet
and alleviate our tired minds
luctúsque solvat ánxios.
and loosen our troublesome sorrows.
3. Grates perácto iam die
The day now having been completed, thanks
et noctis exórtu preces,
and night prayers begin
voti reos ut ádiuves,
that Thou mayest aid consecrated sinners
hymnum canéntes sólvimus.
singing we release our hymns
3. Day sinks; we thank Thee for thy gift,
night comes; to Thee again we lift
our prayers and vows and hymns, that we
against all ills defended be.
4. Te cordis ima cóncinant,
To Thee let our inmost heart sing as one,
te vox canóra cóncrepet,
to Thee let the melodious voice sound,
te díligat castus amor,
for Thee let love esteem chasity,
te mens adóret sobria.
let the sober mind worship thee.
5. Ut cum profúnda cláuserit
That when the boundless depths conclude
diem calígo nóctium,
the day by the gloom of the nights
fides tenébras nésciat
may our faith not know darkness
et nox fide relúceat.
and may the night shine out by faith.
5. That so, when shadows round us creep
and all is hid in darkness deep,
faith may not feel the gloom; and night
borrow from faith's clear gleam new light.
[6. Dormíre mentem ne sinas,
Permit not our mind to sleep,
dormíre culpa nóverit;
let it learn to let our faults go idle;
castos fides refrígerans
our pure faith, cooling down
somni vapórem témperet.
let it temper the fever of dreams.]
[6. From snares of sense, Lord, keep us free
and let our hearts dream but of thee.
Let not the envious foe draw near
to vex our quiet rest with fear. ]
[7. Exúta sensu lúbrico
Having cast off evil thoughts(feelings)
te cordis alta sómnient,
raise our hearts that they may dream of Thee,
ne hostis invídi dolo
let not the trick of our hateful foe
pavor quiétos súscitet.
rouse fear in those in restful peace.]
8. Christum rogámus et Patrem,
This we ask Christ and the Father
Christi Patrísque Spíritum;
and the Spirit of Christ and the Father;
unum potens per ómnia,
that the one God, almighty over all things
fove precántes, Trínitas. Amen.
who is the Trinity, may favor our entreaties.
8. Hail we the Father and the Son
and Son's and Father's Spirit, one
blest Trinity who all obey;
guard Thou the souls that to Thee pray. Amen.
Here we have another Ambrosian hymn, with the distinction that Ambrose actually wrote this one, as opposed to it being written by someone else in "his style."
Here I include the two verses left out in the Liber Hymnarium. According to this site, this was an ancient hymn sung at Saturday vespers, but yet it doesn't appear in the Roman Breviary. The hymn for Saturday Vespers in the Roman Breviary is a version of this hymn.
Perhaps someone who has a copy of Te Decet Hymnus: L'Innario della "Liturgia Horarum" by Don Anselmo Lentini could translate the Italian for us and tell us 1)why a beautiful hymn with such a estemed pedigree (Ambrose himself!) doesn't appear in the Roman Breviary and 2) why Lentini left out verses 6 & 7. (I'm guessing the omission has to do with length. Needless to say, I really have no idea why.)
Thanks to all the new commenters! This is great fun. Again, I am learning much more than I ever imagined. Only one more vespers hymn to go for Ordinary Time, then I will start the Matins (Office of Readings) hymns, of which there are two sets.
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