The light that has no more darkness
Lux ætérna, lumen potens,
Light eternal, Lamp most brilliant,
dies indefíciens,
Day unfailing,
bellátor atræ noctis,
Warrior against the deadly night,
reparátor lúminis,
Renewer of the light,
destructórque tenebrárum,
and the Destroyer of shadows,
illustrátor méntium:
the One who enlightens minds:
2. Quo nascénte suscitámur,
When You come forth we are awakened,
quo vocánte súrgimus;
when You call, we rise;
faciénte quo beáti,
when You act we are blessed,
quo linquénte míseri;
when You depart we are wretched;
quo a morte liberáti,
by You we are freed from death,
quo sumus perlúcidi;
by You we are filled with light;
3. Mortis quo victóres facti,
By you we are made triumphant over death,
nocti atque sáeculi;
over night, and over this age;
ergo nobis, rex ætérne,
therefore to us, O King eternal,
lucem illam tríbue,
bestow that light,
quæ fuscátur nulla nocte,
which darkens no night,
solo gaudens lúmine.
buy only makes glad by light.
4. Honor Patri sit ac tibi
Sancto sit Spirítui,
Deo trino sed et uni,
paci, vitæ, lúmini,
nómini præ cunctis dulci
divinóque númini. Amen.
This hymn, which is the second part of yesterday's hymn is by Gottschalk of Orbais, who died in 869. The doxology (last verse) is the same as yesterday's hymn.
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3 hours ago
quae fuscatur nulla nocte
solo gaudens lumine
"which [day] is darkened by no night
rejoicing in the only light"
Thank you so much for this beautiful recording. Original Latin texts by Gottschalk of Orbais are available on the Primary Sources section of The Gottschalk Homepage
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