Christ came to grant us life and light
Galli cantu mediánte
The rooster's song cuts in half
noctis iam calíginem
now the darkness of the night
et profúndæ noctis atram
and of the black depths of the night
levánte formídine,
(the song) alleviating dread (of the night)
Deus alme,te rogámus
we ask Thee, nurturing God,
supplicésque póscimus.
and bring our supplications.
2. Vigil, potens, lux venísti
Watchful, powerful, Light Thou hast come
atque custos hóminum,
and protector of men,
dum tenérent simul cuncta
while all things simultaneously kept
médium siléntium,
the middle-of-night silence
rédderent necnon mortálem
nor did they render human
mórtui effígiem,
the likeness of a corpse,
3. Excitáres quo nos, Christe,
Whence may you awaken us, O Christ,
de somno malítiæ,
from a wicked sleep,
atque gratis liberáres
and may you freely liberate us
noctúrno de cárcere,
from the slavery of night
redderésque nobis lucem
and may you bring back the light to us
vitæ semper cómitem.
forever the companion of life.
4. Honor Patri sit ac tibi,
Honor be to the Father and to Thee
Sancto sit Spirítui,
and to the Holy Spirit
Deo trino sed et uni,
God three but also one,
paci, vitæ, lúmini,
who is peace, life, light,
nómini præ cunctis dulci
whose name is sweet above all
divinóque númini. Amen.
and who is Godhead divine.
This was a rush job. I will have to return to it again. Math League coach's conference today at Macalester college.
Daily Rome Shot 1252 – Peace be with you (7)
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