Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Octave of Christmas Office of Readings

Merry Christmas! I have a little time over Christmas break and I thought I would post a few of the Christmas hymns from the Liturgy of the Hours.

The matins hymn for the Octave of the Nativity of Our Lord is a new hymn written by Benedictine Father Anselmo Lentini.

Candor ætérnæ Deitátis alme,
Nourishing purity of the eternal Godhead,

Christe, tu lumen, vénia atque vita
O Christ, as Light, Pardon and Life
ádvenis, morbis hóminum medéla,
Thou comest, for the vices of men, as the Cure
porta salútis.
the very Gate of Salvation.

Intonat terræ chorus angelórum
Thunders on the earth the chorus of angels,
cælicum carmen, nova sæcla dicens,
the heavenly song, declaring the new generation,
glóriam Patri, generíque nostro
the Father's glory, and to our race
gáudia pacis.

the joys of peace

Qui iaces parvus dóminans et orbi,
Thou liest sleeping, little Baby, and also ruling the world
Virginis fructus sine labe sanctæ,
fruit of the holy virgin without blemish Thou art,
Christe, iam mundo potiáris omni,
Messiah, now over all the earth Thou hast become the Master
semper amándus.
always to be loved.

Násceris cælos pátriam datúrus,
Born to be giving us the heavens as our Fatherland
unus e nobis, caro nostra factus;
Thou art one of us, from our flesh formed
ínnova mentes, trahe caritátis
renew our minds, draw our hearts to Thee
péctora vinclis.

with chains of love.

Cœtus exsúltans canit ecce noster,
Behold now our assembly sings with exaltation.
ángelis læto sociátus ore,
joined by the very mouths of rejoicing angels,
et Patri tecum parilíque Amóri
both to the Father and with Thee, equally Beloved
cántica laudis. Amen.

a song of praise.

Anselmo Lentini, 1982

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